Norah Kate's Dedication
Yesterday we were fortunate to be able to publicly dedicate our little girl to the Lord. This was a chance for us to commit to raising her in the ways of the Lord and to set a Godly example for her. It was also a chance for the people of our church to vow to help in that endeavor as well...as teachers, caregivers, coaches, etc. David and I have looked forward to this day since we found out we were pregnant and our pastor and church were so sweet to allow us to go ahead and dedicate her while David's parents were still in town. They left this morning to head back to Guatemala, so we made it just in time! :)
Here we are getting ready. Norah Kate wore my grandfather's christening gown...what a privilege. This gown is about 90 years old!
I love this picture of her yawning! Sweet!
Our pastor, Bro. Danny read from Psalm 127 which reminded us that children are a heritage & reward from God.
Family pic - too bad you can't see our sleeping baby! :)
Picture with our sweet pastor
I LOVE THIS PICTURE - My sister caught her smiling!
This one's for Daddy!
Norah Kate's 1st week
Happy 1 week Birthday Norah Kate! What a week it has been. Having a newborn is definitely an adjustment, and I'm not sure that I remember being in a position of really not knowing what to do before now. (Yes, you can all laugh) We have had 2 good nights and 3 bad nights (not in that order)...or less-good nights, as far as Norah Kate sleeping, since we've been home. She definitely has quite a personality! She is eating great - about every 3 hours, and LOVES to be held. :) Here are some pictures of the week.

Coming Home!

Hanging out in the Pack-N-Play
First Bath
First Doctor's Appointment (to check bilirubin levels - a little jaundice but ok)
My mom has been staying with us and has been a HUGE help - Norah Kate wanted her to know she was appreciated. :)
We are having company this weekend of David's brothers and families, and my Dad is coming down for awhile...so we should have some good family pics on here soon.
Out of order :)
Just wanted to let you know that the Birthday post is out of order - so look down a little on the page to find it! :)
Norah Kate Carothers
Hey everyone!!! Wow - it has been so hard to try to find time to update!!! I do apologize for not doing this sooner though. :) Just wanted to officially introduce NORAH KATE CAROTHERS! She was born March 6, 2009 @ 11:54 a.m. weighing 7lb 14oz and was 20 inches long. We aren't sure exactly who she looks like...I guess she is a good combination of the both of us. However, we have really fallen in love with this little girl and can't wait to tell you more about everything soon! In the meantime, here is our first family picture. Thank you for your prayers!
The Birthday
Well - where do I begin!!! It has been an amazing 4 days with our Norah Kate. I went in @ 5:00a.m. to be induced on Friday (March 6), they started the Pitocin about 6:30a.m. and then my doctor came and broke my water at 7:15 a.m. THEN I started having HORRIBLE bladder spasms (that, by the way, do not give breaks like contractions do), and I went from 3-7cm in the next hour. :) So, I decided to go with the epidural because I wasn't getting the rest between contractions like I expected, and as soon as they put the epidural in I was 9 cm. Things slowed down a little bit then...which I appreciated that we had a little time to breathe. And then she was born at 11:54a.m. YEAH! Here are a few pictures from the day:
Mom & Dad post epidural
She's here!
7lb 14oz

Mom & Baby

Daddy & Norah Kate

Our little girl :)

Meeting Aunt Lauren
Uncle Jamie
Granddaddy Ron meeting his newest granddaughter
The "yet-to-be-named" granddad happy for his 1st granddaughter
Grammy/Mimi, Mom, and Mama Lynn posing with Norah Kate
Induction tomorrow!
Just wanted to let everyone know that we are being induced tomorrow! We have to be at the hospital at 5:00 a.m. (yeah, they must not know me too well - Ha ha!) so check the site for a post sometime tomorrow as well. Please keep us in your prayers for a 1) safe delivery/labor 2) manageable pain (if there is such a thing) 3) and an easy transition. I can't speak for David, but I'm pretty nervous about everything, and I know it will be an emotional day.
Tune in!
Chula's Birthday!
Friday, eh???
I went for my 40 week appointment this morning, and I think I'm back to being apathetic about this whole birth thing. I am really beginning to think it is a joke. :) I had NO progress from last week...I mean ZERO (0), so I guess we are looking at the big Friday. So, for those of you who are wondering...no, I'm not disappointed; no, I'm not sad; no, I'm not frustrated...I'm just apathetic. :) Ha Ha! David said "I didn't know she had some Guatemalan in her."

Honestly though, at this point I am just fine with knowing I will have to be induced because at least we will have our little girl here! I will also know that my doctor will deliver me and our family will be here. Also...I feel great! Everyone talks about how miserable you are at the end and I really haven't agreed with that (thankfully). I really do feel good though...this is probably the best my back has felt ALL pregnancy (which also makes me wonder if this is real). So, tune in because unless she does decide to trick us and come early, we will be posting some great pictures on Friday!
On another note: Here are some pics of the nursery! It isn't completely finished...we ordered some verses to put on the walls, but its close enough to let everyone see it. My grandmother made her bedding and the valance. I painted the letters above the crib.
A big thanks to Sally who helped me pick out the rug - I think it looks great!
This one is hard to see because it was so bright outside.
Margie (David's Mom) found this cute piggy bank that matches really well!!!
Her name...I had a lot of fun painting these...I think it was therapeutic.
This is where we'll measure how tall she is getting :)
Aunt Lauren (my sister) made this for her...the verse is Ephesians 3:20-21...one of my favorites, and one that really comforted me for all those months that we were trying to get pregnant with our little girl. Now, I am reminded of God's goodness and faithfulness when I look at this (that is why we put it on the wall as soon as you walk in the room).
So there you have it! Hope you enjoyed the pictures! Hope everyone has a great week!
Snow Day...And our due date :)
Well, we are sitting around the house today because 1) it snowed 2) church was called off because of the bad roads...actually ice in our parking lot and 3) we still have no baby yet! So...what did we decide to do...take pictures of our dog in the snow...Ha ha! Chula won't go through her doggy door because of all the snow, so the only way she'll go to the bathroom is when we let her out. However, she seemed pretty intrigued with all of it this morning. Poor girl - I bet she would have had a lot of fun if her lazy parents would have gone out and played in the snow with her...but that was the LAST thing we wanted to do! :0
As you can see she was in no hurry to get back inside.
I think this one is pretty funny because if you look close you can see the snow on her wiskers...I guess that is what she's gonna look like when she's old. :)
She had to check EVERYTHING out before coming back inside!!!
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