Yeah - a Christmas Post AND pictures! What more could you ask for?! :) David and I had a great Christmas. It is easy to get caught up in all the worldly things and forget what we are actually celebrating, but I think (I hope!) David and I did a good job of keeping that in perspective, and plan to continue that as our daughter arrives...and grows up.
I think I mentioned before that the weekend before Christmas we drove to Henderson, KY to attend my cousin Ross' wedding (which was very beautiful I might add) and do a small Christmas celebration with my grandmother, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. Then Christmas eve and Christmas day was spent with David's side of the family (immediate family), and then my parents, sister, and brother-in-law came to Memphis the Saturday after Christmas for our immediate family Christmas. Whew! It was a lot of driving and time, but I wouldn't have it any other way. It really means a lot to us to be able to see as much family as possible during this time. Unfortunately I forgot my camera when we went to Kentucky, and I somehow didn't get any pictures from my family Christmas. Oh well. David and I realized again just how spoiled we are...and how spoiled our unborn daughter is already!!! We were also able to attend the Christmas Eve service at our church (we only get to every other year because we rotate my family and David's for the actual Christmas Eve and Day). We are in our new sanctuary this year, so it was very special. are the pictures!
This is when we were trying to take pictures for our Christmas card - I don't love this picture of David or me, but Chula looks so happy! Ha ha!

Christmas Eve night - Isabella and Aiden love to play in Margie's (David's mom) tupperware cabinet. How cute is this?! I love it that Isabella has no shirt on and Aiden has no pants!

Chula's gift from Dad & Mom (a.k.a. David and Nekayeh) a new collar and matching leash! How cute :) (We couldn't show her the leash because she would've gotten too excited thinking we were going for a walk.)

The Christmas tree and gifts at David's family Christmas!

Isabella looking at Uncle David with her new magnifying glass.

Aiden with his lawn mower that we got him. He loved this thing...much more than I expected. I'm happy we were able to get it for him...and hope he's not driving Jon & Julie crazy with it!

Nekayeh & Chula on Christmas morning - Chula wasn't really up for having her picture taken - she kept leaning away from me. :)

Well, that is all for now. I guess it is our last Christmas as just a couple - which is exciting and scary!!! Now that I've figured out this picture situation I will try to post some more recent pregnant me, I am much bigger than the one on the Christmas card now. :)
OH...and as for a New Years post... well, I worked New Years Eve and New Years Day and David fell asleep on the couch, so there's nothing to post! :) Happy 2009!