Hi Everyone! Mom is letting me do this post. :) I am 4 1/2 months now (20 1/2 weeks). At my 4 month appointment I weighed 12 lb 10.5 oz (just under 50th percentile), I was 24 1/2 inches long (between 75-90th percentile), and my head circumference was 40cm (5oth percentile). I have started eating rice cereal, and have had peas and carrots...and I love it all! I'm not sure what Mom will give me next...but I'm excited to see! I still nurse every 4 hours during the day, but not at night anymore. I am also rolling both ways...although at night I am too tired to roll back to my back when I get on my stomach, so I just cry and have Mom or Dad put me back. I've also enjoyed playing with my feet...they are so nice! I like to make sounds with my mouth too, like "eeeee" and "bob, bob, bob."
Mom has been SUPER busy! She started a new position at St. Jude and is now in a research position 1 day a week and still on the floor caring for patients 1 night a week. It has been hard for her to get her research hours in because they have to be during the daytime...but she doesn't have a set place for me to go yet. Mama Lynn (Mom's Mom) has been coming down just about every week to help out, but she will start teaching again at the end of August. I have also been staying with my friend, Katherine, and her mom that live 2 houses down. In the fall I will start going to a Mother's Day out near our house 2 days a week...this will give mom plenty of time to get in her daytime hours.
So, I wanted to show you some pictures from my first trip to the BEACH! I had a great time. I didn't sleep well...but I'm doing better now. I just enjoyed being awake and having Mom & Dad in the room with me. :) I don't think they appreciated it as much as I did. Ha Ha!
This is me riding in the car. Mom did let me watch a couple of DVDs...but just near the end when I was VERY ready to get out. I didn't cry though.

We stopped outside of Birmingham the first night and spent the night. I surprised Mom @ 5:45 a.m. with a B L O W O U T! Yes! Here is a picture of me after Mom cleaned me up. Notice the smile...

This was when we first got to the beach. Mom & Dad took me for a walk...I really liked the sand. The breeze was nice too.

I liked the water too! Mom didn't get a very good picture though because she didn't want to get her pants wet.

You really have to look close, but this is a picture of my footprints with Mom & Dad's footprints.

Here is a picture of Mom & me. You can see how happy I was to be there.

This is me ready to go swimming. Dad said I look like a Japanese Game Show contestant with my sunglasses, but I didn't mind. I liked them and kept them on really well. :)

Here are a couple of pictures of me swimming. Mom got me a cool float so that I could relax.

On this day I did not really like the ocean, because it was COLD...but the other days it was okay.

I enjoyed taking my morning nap on the beach almost everyday...the waves were very relaxing.

I enjoyed being a beach baby!

Well, this is a good picture of Mom & Dad, but I wasn't really looking at the camera...oh well. :)

I got lots of attention while we were at the beach. Here I am sitting with Mama Joyce (my great-grandmother) and playing with Mom's cousin, Suzanne.

In this picture Pops (Mom's Dad) was singing "It's a Grand Ole Flag"...but mom said that he wasn't singing the right words. I didn't mind though...I though it sounded pretty good!

Well, that's a little bit about our trip. I will try to get mom to post more often...but I can't promise anything. Ha Ha!