WHAT A WEEK!!!!!!!
We have had 2 new nieces born this week! Kennedy Anne Carothers was born Monday morning, May 10 @ 9:30am. She was 7lb 7oz and was 19inches long. David was able to make a quick trip up to Nashville Monday night to see her, but it was just too much (& too fast) for Norah Kate and I to go. We look forward to seeing her next week!!!
Here is Miss Kennedy Anne with Uncle David...unfortunately she's getting the shaft on this post because we don't have many pictures of her yet.

Then last night @ 3:30am my sister had her baby girl, Lexie Catherine Williams. Lexie was 8lb 10oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. Here is Lexie seeing her momma for the first time!

1st Family picture!!! Lookin' good!

Look at that pudgy lip...pitiful!

Beautiful Mom and Baby!

Proud Daddy!

Norah Kate meeting her cousin for the first time and giving kisses

Mama Lynn with her granddaughters

Sweet cousins (I LOVE this picture!...don't worry...Norah Kate wasn't REALLY holding her) :)

Lexie and Auntie

Norah Kate got a little bored and thought up this idea on her own. I must say...she's pretty creative. As you can tell she thought this was very funny.

Don't worry though...our week's excitement hasn't ended yet! Friday morning David will be having surgery to repair his torn ACL and possible MCL tear. I really don't know what I am going to do with a 14 month old and a post-surgery husband who will probably be on lots of pain meds. So, I would appreciate any prayers you might could offer.
Since I probably won't have lots of time to post again I wanted to go ahead and include Norah Kate's 14 month update with this.
weight - 20 or 21 lbs (this was just done trying to stand her on our scale at home...might not be too accurate)
length...not sure and she's in bed so I can't find out right now :)
Nutrition - Anything and everything she can get her hands on!!! She has recently enjoyed being given a whole saltine cracker and holding it while she takes bites. She really does a good job.
Sleep - Usually from 8:30pm to 7:30 or 8:00am. She takes 2 naps most days and they are anywhere from 1-2 hours each.
Language - this is a trip! She can SIGN please, more, milk, and all-gone. She is understanding a lot of Spanish and can say "mas" and she has said "Hola" a couple of times. She is understanding English well and can say Chula, Mama, Dad...but only when she wants to. :)
Skills - WALKING...she is doing pretty good, but this is still mostly an on-and-off thing. She can also get down from the couch or chair by laying on her stomach and scooting off. She is playing much more independently these days...which is so nice :) She continues to give kisses, blow kisses, and she recently started giving "real" hugs (they are the BEST!!!). She can nod and shake her head as well to answer questions.
Well, I think that is about everything! Hopefully it won't be another month before I get on here! :) Goodnight!