Our baby is 11 months old!!! She continues to be such a joy in our lives, and I'm just amazed at how fast this year has gone. Norah Kate has the sweetest, most fun personality. I am so thankful that she is so good with going to the baby-sitter's house & in the nursery at church. She smiles and waves "bye-bye" to us and off she goes!
Here is our little girl in a sweater that belonged to my mom when she was a baby. Not an official pic, but you can see it well enough.

Here are the stats on NK:
weight - I don't have an actual weight, but I think she's about 19 lbs now
height - not sure...will find out @ her 1 yr. check-up
Eats - nurses only in the morning (I know that's weird to just nurse in the morning...long story of why we chose that); Soy formula (apparently allergic to milk-based per the whelps all over her body after milk formula) afternoon & evening; combination of baby foods and table foods for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I can't think of anything that she just does not like. There are times when she definitely prefers one thing over another, but at another time it may be reversed. She LOVES, LOVES, LOVES, bananas (real, not baby food). I have to stop her from eating a whole banana! She also really enjoys the yogurt bites (Gerber).
Sleeps - All night, most every night. Most of the time she still takes 2 naps, but sometimes just a long afternoon nap.
Diapers - size 2 (i feel like a broken record...I don't know that we will ever leave size 2. ha ha!)
Skills - Her only word is still "Ooah" but she does put an "l" sound in there sometimes to make it "Oolah"; waves "bye-bye" now; she is saying "more" in sign-language. We are doing other signs that she understands, but she won't do them back. She pulls up and will walk along things (the couch, etc.) but she does NOT like to let go...so I'm not sure when she'll walk (I can't say that I'm just itching for her to walk though - Ha Ha!). She does have a new little skill that she does and it is my favorite to watch. I guess she has seen me wash my hands a lot. Well, sometimes I'll sit her up on the counter while I'm putting on my make-up, and she has started leaning over, just touching the handle of the faucet and then rubs her hands together. Hillarious! She is very serious when she does it too....multiple times in a row. Only a nurses daughter, right?!
This past weekend we went to my parents house in Pocahontas. We have only been back 3 times since she was born and 1 of those was just for the day. I know, we've been bad about that. Anyway, we were excited to be able to see the McNabbs while we were there this time too. The McNabbs are like family to us, so we hate when we can't see them for awhile. Jason & his wife, Danielle, have a 4 month old little girl, Adalynn, that we hadn't met yet. Here is Jason & "Addi"

Sweet Adalynn - such a cute smile. What is with all the babies looking like their Dads? Don't the moms to any work? :) Here is Addi with Lauren.

Her is NK...when she wants something she has started pointing at it and then pointing to herself as she is in this picture.

Here is most of the group: Granny McNabb, Gida, Pappy, Mom with NK, Jason, Lauren, Vovo (Janelle Doyle), Jamie, David, Me, & Danielle. This must have been when Addi was taking a nap. Dad isn't in the picture because he is taking it and we are missing Jeremy, Gina, & their 2 girls, Anna Grace & Ava.

Most of the McNabb "kids:" David, Me, NK, Lauren (with baby), Jamie, Danielle, Adalynn, & Jason

Here is Pappy Mike, Gida with Adalynn, Mom with Norah Kate, & Dad. Hansom bunch, huh? :)

Norah Kate just loves this "music" toy. It was given to us/Mom by Dr. Magee & his wife and we keep it at Mom & Dad's house so that she'll have something to play with there. I have to say, it was nice to have a "different/new" toy there.

Sunday afternoon my friend, Ashley, and her daughter, Ava, came over to visit. This was the first time the 2 girls were really able to interact, so it was a lot of fun. I loved being able to catch up with Ashley, and Ava is so cute...walking everywhere!

Monday morning, Norah Kate & I woke up to about 4 inches of snow in Pocahontas! We had stayed to see some of mom's co-workers at the college, but unfortunately the college was closed!!! So, we spent the majority of the day trying to get back to Jackson. And...we did (safely) just in time...to meet the snow in Jackson. I think we have about 6 inches??? So David and I are both home today for another snow day.
Last night while I was cooking supper I noticed that NK was being pretty quiet. As I looked over this is what I saw:

A mess! Can you see the completely unrolled blue diaper bags? I guess she is making sure she hasn't missed anything.

Oh, of course, the yogurt bites! Well, if you wanted to know what we keep in her baby bag...here you go!

What'cha doing Norah Kate?

I tried to get a picture of the big smile that she had after this, but she was crawling toward the camera and it didn't work. Oh well, if this is the worst that she does then we are fine, right?!
Tune in next month for the post of the birthday and birthday party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guess I better get to planning!