We're Moving! David has accepted a position to work in Campus Ministries at Union University in Jackson, TN. This is such an exciting time for us. David will be the Assistant Director of Mobilization...which means he will help coordinate the Go Trips (mission trips) and prepare the students going on those trips. He will also work with students who are looking into going into missions after college, as well as finding opportunities in the community for students to help (community development/missions). He is very excited about this position. I am excited about this next chapter in our life and I do feel better about raising a child/children in Jackson rather than Memphis. I am from a very small town, so I do feel like I am getting back to that a little. However, we are sad about leaving our friends and church here.
I just can't even hardly believe it when I see this "For Sale" sign in our yard. I mean, yes, our house is tiny and all, but we have worked so hard on it for the past 4 1/2 years! Since we bought this house we have completely redone all the landscaping (including planting grass), completely redone the kitchen (with all new appliances), created a utility room off the kitchen (with new washer/dryer), renovated the master bath (entirely), painted all the walls/rooms, refinished and restained all the hardwood floors, retiled the kitchen and master bath (including our shower!...thanks Pete), added faux wood blinds to all the windows, changed all the doorknobs and fixtures, replaced all but one of the ceiling fans, replaced all the light fixtures (inside and out), and hung new gutters! AND - besides the sheet rock (spelling???) work and installing the kitchen cabinets, we've done it all ourselves...with the help of some great friends and family (Thanks to Pete, Zach, David's parents, Ryan, and others). So, you can see why it is a little hard to allow someone else to own our little house. However, we know that it has been good to us, and can now be good for another family. ...plus...we can't fit in it anymore! Ha! :)
So far we've already had 3 people/families (and then 1 came a second time ...to total 4 viewings) come to view our house and it's only been on the market 5 days!!!
Norah Kate has been helping us start to pack up a few things...

In other news...Norah Kate started Mother's Day Out this past Thursday. Doesn't she look cute in her first day of school outfit! She will go on Thursdays and Fridays. Yes, it seems sort of silly to start her in this when we are about to move, but I have no idea how long it is going to take for our house to sell and for me to find a job in Jackson. So, until then, I need her to have a place to go while I work at St. Jude. :) Her teachers are wonderful, and I really feel comfortable with her there. (She seems to really like it as well.)

I can't believe it is only 1 1/2 weeks until she goes for her 6 month check up! I will keep everyone posted in the days ahead!