Happy Father's Day!
Who's excited to be 3 months old...
Okay, so I'm way behind on this post...but its been a progressive thing. Download a few pics here and there and now I'm finally adding the text! Our little Norah Kate was 3 months on June 6! Here are some stats, etc.:
12 lb 3 oz
25 inches long!
Eating every 3.5 hours
Sleeping ALL NIGHT! from 10p - 7:30a
She is starting to laugh some now which we LOVE...we work really hard to get her to laugh. :) She is also pushing up on her arms, turning over from stomach to back, and reaching/grabbing toys (just starting). She L O V E S Chula...especially when Chula licks her in the face...she just smiles. (We are trying to teach Chula not to lick her in the face, but its not working well so far)
Family Picture (NK has her eyes closed, but she's smiling)
So...one of my sweet patient's parents from St. Jude, The Nasons, sent Norah Kate this Baby Einstein exersaucer as a gift. Well, Norah Kate is just now able to "kind of" sit in it. I put her in it the other day and she "found" the toys. I laughed so hard because it was like the greatest thing to her. Here are some pictures...you can see what I mean.
"Wow, Mom! Where did THIS come from?!"
"Oh my gosh! This is the coolest thing I've ever seen!" Thanks Nasons!
We are really having a great time with Norah Kate. Tomorrow we are leaving to head to Shreveport to see David's brother, Ben, our sis-in-law, Kristen, and NK's cousins Isabella and Brooks. I can't wait to see how all of the kids interact.