I did a VERY poor job of blogging in 2011. I hope to do better in 2012, but wanted to do a quick recap of the year. As involved as it was, and as much as God has taught me, I can't say that I'm going to be sad so see it go!! :)
David, my Dad and I had the great opportunity of going on a 10-day tour of Israel!! Highlight of the year...can't wait to go back.

Norah Kate had PE tubes and adenoids removed. She bounced back quick and has really improved in her speech (and lack of infections!!)
Norah Kate's 2nd Birthday!! Farm theme!
David was able to take a group of Union students to France. I was sad that I wasn't able to go, but happy that he got the chance! (and a little relieved that I didn't have to leave Norah Kate again after the long trip in January)
Interesting month. Began with my 10-year high school reunion (almost a year late...but who's counting). David was not able to attend with me because he had a conference in Virginia, but I really enjoyed seeing all of my best friends!!
On Good Friday my Dad was diagnosed with AML (Acute Myeloid Leukemia). We had not planned to travel to Pocahontas for Easter, but changed our mind's and had a great family get-together.
Heavy storms at the end of April brought destruction to our back yard. 4 trees and several parts of the fence down. Fortunately our insurance paid and it wasn't an addition issue.
End of April/Early May - took Dad to Vanderbilt to begin treatment for Leukemia.
He spent over 3 weeks in the hospital for the first admission, so May was spent traveling back and forth to Nashville.
Norah Kate has spent MANY days & nights with "Cousin Aiden" and his family. We have so appreciated their hospitality toward Norah Kate as well as all they've done for my parents. They really went above and beyond anything we could have expected.
We FINALLY turned in our dossier for our Ethiopian adoption.
In June, I also traveled to Las Vegas for the AANP (Nurse Practitioner) Conference. I can't say that I ever had a desire to go to Las Vegas, but it really was a lot of fun. There is something for everyone there. Plus, it helped having 2 good friends there too!
Although really the remainder of our year was involved in traveling to and from Nashville to be with Dad, we did try to plan a few "normal" things for Norah Kate. Here we are at the Memphis Zoo. She had a blast!

We were able to all attend our annual family vacation to the beach. So happy that even Dad got to go and really felt good during this time.

Unfortunately during our vacation we received news from our adoption agency that it would probably be about 1.5 years before we were able to bring our little boy home. We were devastated, as we had so many setbacks already...definitely did NOT want to hear this.
We had about 3 weeks of down time in August before receiving the call that a donor match had been found for Dad's stem cell transplant. You would think this was a nice time of relaxation for us, but I think we crammed way too much "regular" stuff into this time. One being that I spoke at a Cancer Survivorship Conference in town.
At the end of August, Dad and Mom moved to a 1 bedroom apartment in Nashville to prepare for Dad's transplant.
September 1st - Dad's stem cell transplant
Norah Kate also started at First Presbyterian Church Playschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays. She loves it and is learning so much!

Then, in mid-September, David and I found out that we are EXPECTING! A little bit of a surprise in timing, but thrilled none the less!

October & November was filled with traveling back and forth to see "Pops!" Norah Kate was also able to meet several family members for the first time, such as Uncle Douglas.
October - David turned 30!
November - Nekayeh turned 30!
A great Thanksgiving/Christmas with David's side of the family. Here are the 6 grandkids with David's parents. David's parents were able to be on furlough for 5 months and we were able to spend some good time with them. Unfortunately I did not get hardly any pictures. I guess I took it for granted that they had their camera's out much of the time. Ron (David's Dad) was a huge blessing to my Dad throughout his treatment/stem cell transplant. My Dad really enjoyed the time they had together.
Dad was finally released from his 100-day stay in Nashville and was able to move back to Pocahontas!
Norah Kate participated in her first Christmas Program with the Playschool.
And...we found out Norah Kate will have a little SISTER!!! Due at the end of May.
Another blessing was that we were all able to travel to my grandmother's house in Kentucky for Christmas. It was a very busy time, but I would not have traded it for anything!
Looking forward to 2012:
- More of Norah Kate's playschool & other new activities
- The birth of Norah Kate's sister in May
- Continued healing for my Dad
- More information regarding the adoption of our son
(and of course...lots of rearranging the house and purchases that go with adding 1 (or possibly 2) children!!)
-More blessings and teachings from the Lord