"...you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins." Matthew 1:21
Christmas is definitely my favorite holiday. Not only do I like the family, coziness, and traditions, but I love that this is when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. I have been studying more of the events of Jesus birth this year. I have wondered many times what Mary must have thought when the angel appeared to her and told her she was, not only going to have a son at such a young age (probably early teens) when she was a virgin, but that this baby was going to be the SON OF GOD!!! Does anyone else become speechless at that moment, or is it just me. She was mature beyond her years and to think that she never disagreed to this task...I have so much to learn from her. I am also thankful that my husband and I have families that make it a point to put Jesus first and that we can count on them continuing to do that as they teach our daughter.
I guess you could say that this was an extension of our Christmas celebration since we had already celebrated with David's side of the family in November. Anyhow - we had a great time with my side of the family in Kentucky. My family celebrated Christmas with my mom's side every year growing up, so we have MANY traditions. Christmas Eve is spent with one side of my grandmother's family @ my Great-aunt June's house. Then we open our Christmas PJs from my grandmother. Christmas morning "Santa" comes, then lunch with another side of my grandmother's family (thankfully they come to her house...we don't have to go anywhere), and finally presents with all the aunts/uncles/cousins on Christmas evening. I am so thankful that we get to see so many relatives at Christmas.
Here is Norah Kate on Christmas Eve in her Christmas PJs. She didn't really want to leave the hat on.

Norah Kate's Santa set-up - Mama Joyce got her the doll & the hat says "Norah Kate"

She looked so happy to be getting her presents.

The family with her new toy from Santa

NK with her stocking...Mama Joyce made her stocking - isn't it beautiful?!

Here we are before church that Sunday - my happy girl!

Our family by the Christmas tree at my grandmother's house!

One of my good friends, Kari, lives in the same town as my grandmother. Kari's mom and my aunt, Ruthie, were best friends growing up...and Kari and I met at Union Univ. We were both nursing majors. I am so thankful that our friendship has continued since college. It is always so nice to see her when we to go Henderson. Here we are with our daughters. Naomi is (was...at Christmas) 4 months old. I think she likes to smile as much as Norah Kate!

We also enjoyed seeing my cousins, J.C. & Cory, but unfortunately didn't get any pictures from that night. This was our first time to meet Cory's wife, Trisha...she was so sweet.
The following are random pictures from our Christmas time...the majority were taken by David. I guess that is what I get for asking him to be in charge of the camera for awhile. :)
Jamie (my brother-in-law)

Norah Kate being tickled by her daddy!

Mama Lynn & Norah Kate - reading a new book

Suzanne with her Christmas PJs...footed PJs

My mom and her sisters on the couch

David watching my cousin, Jonathan play a videogame. Fun.

So, there were better pics of these two, but I thought this was the most entertaining. My sister and Jamie are expecting a baby in May and found out on Christmas that it is going to be a GIRL!

My cousin, Nathana, & her fiance, Zach

Cousins, Rachael & Wesley

I don't know this guy :)

Me (again...David had the camera)

Zach and a little bit of Ross to the left


My Dad

I think the only cousin that didn't get in on the pictures was, Sarah, Ross' wife...I guess she's the only smart one, huh? :) Well we had a great Christmas...it just went too fast. Norah Kate LOVED all the attention, but didn't mind getting back to our quiet house either...I think she missed all the crawling.