Oh - I know, I know...it's been way too long. I can't believe that 2 months ago today we made our move to Jackson. I can't say that it feels like it was just yesterday...because I don't. I feel like it was at LEAST 2 months ago, if not more. We are getting more settled in our home and the town. In November we were able to go to Branson, MO with David's side of the family. While there we celebrated our Christmas and Thanksgiving = Christgiving is what we named it. :) It was so much fun and all the kids are getting to the age where they can play more. Here is a picture of Isabella (3) and Aiden (2) playing on the loft upstairs in the cabin.

Here is another cute one of the two of them at the bottom of the stairs. So sweet!

Norah Kate LOVED playing with her big cousins. As you can tell with this picture, she took everything in...

Such a sweet kiss from her big cousin, Isabella. All the kids (Isabella, Aiden, & Brooks) did really well with Norah Kate. You never know how kids that age will do around a baby, but they were more than wonderful and very gentle with her.

Here is David with Brooks (1) and Aiden. The movie, Cars was definitely the highlight of the week. I can't even tell you how many times it was played. :)

This was Christgiving morning - Norah Kate with her Grammy (David's mom). NK really enjoyed getting to see her grandparents.

And boy did she rack UP on the TOYS!!! Here she is with some of her loot...and her cute scarf!

Such a happy girl with her Daddy!!!

Merry Christgiving everyone!

And then it was on to Thanksgiving...
David's parents visited each of the 3 sons individually while they were in the states, and we were excited that our visit fell on Thanksgiving! We hosted it this year and had a housefull! (is that a word?) Anyway...We had his parents, my parents, my sister & her husband, and David's brother Jonathan & his family. It was so much fun and everyone interacted so well together.

As you can see from both of these pictures, the guys took their traditional places in front of the T.V. Ha Ha! No, they really did help out a lot...Dad even did the dishes! :)

Here is Aiden with Boo. The two of them were really missing their other dog, a pug named Hercules...who had surgery a few days before. Fortunately Hercules was okay and just had to stay at the vet to be observed for a couple of days.

NK with her Auntie Lauren...not that she wanted to look at the camera or anything...but at least she's smiling!

I love this picture! It looks like Aiden is hiding. So funny!

As you can see, we've had lots of fun, and lots of craziness lately (as always). Hopefully it won't be too long before I post again. :)